A place for music, sketch comedy, and more.

We're Not Doctors is a musical duo, founded in 2024, hailing from Long Island, New York. Distinguished by their unique blend of dark and heavy industrial tones hovering over glitchy electronic beats and hooky melodies, the duo consists of singer/composer Andrew Iovino and guitarist/composer, Dom Cali. Together, they create a unique sound that pushes the boundaries of today's alternative rock and metal.
In addition to their music, WND has delved into other creative ventures, showcasing their versatility by writing, filming, and starring in their very own sketch comedy shorts, produced under the WND Presents umbrella. This multidimensional approach sets them apart and allows them to connect to their audience with a distinct voice and vision.
We’re Not Doctors’ first single ‘Blue Hour’ arrived on streaming July 12th, 2024. Accompanying their debut release is a self-shot music video and ‘reaction’ sketch, with much more on the way.
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